Thursday, July 8, 2010

The girls room

Well we have been workin on the girls room for the past few days now. We have four girls. Two are my step daughters who come for the month of July and everyother weekend. Kayla is 13 till the 27th of this month. Natalie is 13. Skiler is 12. And Amanda is 10. They all share the same room when they come. It's kind of a big slumber party! They all get along most of the time very well. We have two sets of bunk beds which will be painted black. The walls will be very berry pink. The dresser will be turquoise, the long standing mirror just had a fresh coat of electric lime put on it yesterday. The lamp for the dresser went from an old yucky worn out brass to very berry yesterday too. The window treatments went from sage green to a really cool three panel turquoise lime turquoise scheme.

A picture is all you need to see why we had to do something quick!

After a few coats of turquoise! Only thing left is to find some snazzy knobs!

Found these a few years back for $5 in a discount store. Used them a little while and got tired of them. They are now in the girls room with a very berry coat of paint!

These window treatments were on sale only $7 a panel.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Can't wait to see what you do! Come on over and follow my blog if you get a chance. Yours is great! ;)bb